On a run at Haverford College I see a sign on someone’s
sukkah structure. “Baruch habah.” In Hebrew this means blessings to some. I
think about this as I push forward and stumble on another sign, “The beauty of
the flower brings the world together.” Blessings, Beauty together. I love it! I
run more and think of another quote “Treat people as they ought to be and you
help them to become what they are capable of being.” See the potential.
My dear friend, Jessica, told me to read the book Seeing
Trees. In this gorgeous book, there is a section on gumballs, those round
prickly balls that hurt when you step barefoot on them. In the book, the writer
explains in a close up photo, each prickly spot contains two seeds. AMAZING,
POTENTIAL for new beauty! Blessing to come.
When I see Alex I see beauty, potential and blessings.
Intellectually able. Raise up to his ability. He has intelligence and kindness
I have not seen before. I hear terms that describe him, intellectually
challenged, Trisomy 21, Down syndrome, the words I cannot even print here. I
keep thinking of Alex as INTELLECTUALLY ABLE. He is there is nothing he cannot
try to do.
While I am running I think of my mediocre pace and the tired
way my body is half trying to do this thing called exercise. I promised myself
and my nutritionist I would do it six days a week along with limiting sugar to
six teaspoons a day! I internally yell at myself. Alex puts his all into each
move he makes. I could at least try my best and show him the honor of knowing
him. I run faster and finish the loop. Proud that my Intellectually Able son,
Alex, has inspired me! Blessings to come. Patience.
On NPR there was a tribute to a sports announcer, Bob
Green,. He was blind but he used a helper and Braille to report his sports. He
could see the sport in his mind’s eye the reporter said. He painted the picture
of a homerun, the sound of the bat the excitement of the crowd. He inspired me.
Potential and limitless ability. I am in awe of all the gifts each of us
possess. Blessings to come.
At the end of my run there is a body of water. There are
huge turtles that swim with fish and geese that coexist with ducks. There is
one that catches my eye. He is a gorgeous brown and he hangs loose with other
ducks. His shape is that of a goose and yet his dark brown body looks like a
duck. He is fully included with the ducks they quack and sleep near him. This
gooselike duck is accepted there. This fascinates me. Inclusion, potential,
blessings to come. Honor each of our gifts. See the potential. Baruch Habah.
INTELLECTUALLY ABLE! Anything is possible.
As a Guest in the Stork's Nest ~
Mama Nancy
great collection, thanks for sharing.IT Support