“Energy and Persistence
conquer all things.” This is a quote on china dish at the jewelry store next
door to the café, Gryphon, where I write my blogs. Alex has Trisomy 21, Down
syndrome with hypotonia. On the internet there was site selling T-shirts that
said, “Hypotonia is another word for yoga master.” For us it means when we see
the experts, the specialists, the therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physical
therapists and the like…we hear words like “Do more to do more. Lately his
Physical Therapist has asked us to order a wheel chair.
Alex is
strong. Josh and Sam our other two sons learned to walk, eat, talk, jump, run
and dance without effort. When I think back over their development I am in awe
of the magic. How was it that happened? Alex can do this. He’s got this. It is
simply that we need to help him to do it. Our recipe for achievement is as
miraculous as Sam and Josh’s growth.
On a recent
train ride with a sister friend, Cecilia, I learn of the power of words and
faith. Cecilia tells me to tell Alex we know you will walk today. You will
stand and eat and go potty. Cecilia explained to give him praise in front of
Alex. Let him hear you say positive messages about him.
recounts a story about her friend, Elaine, she explained how during C2P2 class
from Temple University, Elaine visited a girl being fed blended food. Upon
commenting, the girl showed a smile as if she knew that the food was not
exactly as it should be.
revelation that words carry power is huge. I remember the poet Maya Angelou
explaining that in a room the curtains carry the words that are said in those
rooms. If the words are hurtful or unkind you feel it in the physical room.
I take
Cecilia’s teaching into my being. I hope and say a prayer that she is right.
That day I hold my expectations and beliefs that Alex can. Alex can do it. Alex
will do it. I make up my mind to tell his entire team that we will tell him
I put him on
the potty, lifting him and showing him a book on potty. He goes! Alex went pee
pee on the potty. I party and dance around the house yelling LOOK! He did it. It came from Ceccilia’s words.
Power, Potty, PARTY, belief. A few days later at a meeting Cecilia’s kind
husband Jacob watches our Alex. This amazing man is a physical therapist and
doctor in one friend that can move sahn. (Mountains in Korean)
As Cecilia
and I walk in from our meeting, Alex is W A L K I N G! He is strolling and
gliding around the living room like Peggy Fleming the ice skater. He is smiling
and we are clapping and the miracle of how “it “happens is revealed to me
again. Words and actions have power. Jacob recounts to me how each night I can
hold his armpits, keep his feet bare and mine as I practice this W A L K I N G
on my own. Fifteen minutes, Jacob explains
how it will build his muscles and give him a feel for how to walk through and
move through space and then he will develop his own intrinsic desire to learn
to W A L K! This man, Jacob and his wife
Cecilia have no idea how the way they live their lives and raise their Alex and
Isabelle give our family strength and courage beyond words. W A L K I N G and
Potty and knowing that all will be. Party time for us to know that it may not
be effortless but it can be intentional. Alex will do it all we simply need to
believe and act in ways that encourage him. “Energy and persistence conquer all
things.” At our gym there is a quote that says “difficult things take a long
time and impossible things take a little longer.” Here is to taking a little
longer but doing it anyway. “Challenge is an opportunity to be extraordinary.”
As A Guest in the Stork’s Nest ~
Mama Nancy
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