Aug 28, 2012


The Gorgeous man with the huge tattooed biceps named Sei greets me cheerily at the bank. Sei pronounced say said,” How is your day treating you?” I thought about the way he posed this question. It was as if he really wanted to know.

In our district a young man that had tried to take his own life said in a talk to our students, when we see teens and ask how are you? Listen, do not just keep going. It felt like Sei was listening to me with his heart.

Holding back tears of feeling overwhelmed by too much to do and not enough time to do them…I said, “okay.” I told him I was tired.  Sei said he went to the gym that morning. I asked what he did there.

Sei told me about his bicep work and shoulder work. Impressed, I said I went to the gym but I was exhausted. I did a little of the FX and the pull down thing. “Oh, the lateral pull,” he kindly corrected me. Yep. But I did not put my heart into it. I told this man, Sei, I needed to get some stamina and my MOJO back. He smiled, “I am serious about the gym. Everyone is allowed to slack off now and then.” Sei handed me my bank receipt. With a warm and understanding tone well beyond his years…”Get serious about the gym. Then you will have a great day everyday no matter what.”

I took his words to the gym with me this morning at 6:00 am. This time when I was on the FX machine, I put effort in as I had not for a while. I could feel the serious nature of how I was approaching it today and the sweat! Sweat like Hell, Seriously… Thank you and gratitude to Sei for reminding me and inspiring me to be serious at the gym. Get rid of the weights that loom in my mind and my body from challenges all around. I even managed a shoulder workout. The more physically in shape and mentally strong I am- the better Mom I will be. Seriously…

Sam turned to me that morning over coffee, “Mommie this coffee smells like Heaven.” This is how he views the world. Life is wonder, blessings and Heaven. Sam said, “You know Mommie, Nothing is impossible.” He knows. A little boy much younger than Alex has started to walk. I will remember Sam’s words and Sei’s…Nothing is impossible. Seriously…

As a Guest in the Stork's Nest~
Mama Nancy


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