May 26, 2011


Behind the Smile: My Journey Out of 
Postpartum Depression
by Marie Osmond 

In Behind the Smile: My Journey Out of Postpartum Depression, Marie Osmond bravely tells of the deep depression she experienced following the birth of her youngest son. A mother of seven and an entertainer practically from the cradle, Marie shares the pressure she felt throughout her life to be “perfect” and describes how this pressure seeped into her role as mother. Marie’s honest description paints a vivid picture that leaves her readers with a detailed understanding of how she was feeling and what she was experiencing. After a particularly difficult day and then talking to her mother about how she is feeling, Marie finds the strength to reach out to a therapist for help and finds support beyond what she expected.

Marie’s powerful words remind us of the importance of asking for help when it is needed. Marie struggled for weeks in silence rather than sharing with anyone how she was feeling – exactly what we would not want a woman to do. Although experts cannot determine exactly what causes Postpartum Depression, we do know it is treatable so no one needs to suffer in silence. Classic symptoms of Postpartum Depression include feeling excessively overwhelmed, excessive tearfulness or anxiety, inability to sleep, irritability, lack of appetite, lack of interest in the baby, and disturbing thoughts. If you or someone you know may be showing signs of a perinatal mood disorder such as Postpartum Depression, be sure to speak with a professional to get additional support. Utilizing a home-based service like Stork Support can be an excellent option. Whichever provider you choose, however, be sure that the assessment, counseling and support are provided by an experienced professional with whom you feel comfortable.

Marie’s bravery in sharing her experience reminds us that no one is perfect and no one expects mothers to have all the answers. Ask for help, the answer you receive and the support you feel may surprise you.

From The Stork’s Nest ~
Liz & Rebecca

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