Dear Stork Support,
My wife recently delivered our second baby. Our family just left after visiting for two weeks and I’ve gone back to work. I don’t really know the symptoms but I doubt my wife has postpartum depression. We are both exhausted and fighting a lot. Our friends offer to help, but I’m embarrassed to talk to them about this stuff. I feel like I’m failing.
Daddy Disappointment
Dear Daddy,
First, we want to wish you congratulations on the new addition to your family.
Adjusting to a new baby is challenging whether it is your first, second, third or more child. The communication breakdown between partners is not uncommon in times of high stress. It is important to receive the emotional support, counseling and learn about resources to help with the transition to having a new baby, which Stork Support Social Workers are trained to provide. Postpartum Depression is something that all women are at risk for after having their babies.
Our goal is to teach new parents about the symptoms, answer your questions and provide short-term counseling if needed. Stork Support also provides individual or couples counseling which means you and your wife may choose to meet with a Stork Support Social Worker together or individually for support. We encourage you to call us at 610-616-5450. A Stork Support Social Worker will contact you to discuss your concerns and see if Stork Support is right for you.
One more thing, Daddy. We urge you to be careful about using terms like “failing” and “disappointment” when talking about yourself. In our opinion, you are not failing by any means, rather insightful enough to know things are not right and that you need assistance. There is no shame in asking for help.
Wishing you all the best.
From the Stork’s Nest~
Liz & Rebecca
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