Apr 30, 2012

You Say I Only Hear What I Want To...

OK Stork Supporters, it’s game time.  I’m going to give you a name and you say the first thing that comes to you mind.  Ready?  OK, go!:

Lisa Loeb.

Musician.  Guitar.  Ethan Hawke and Winona Ryder in the cult movie classic, Reality Bites.  ‘90’s awesome-ness.  You get my drift.

If you’re anything like me, the name “Lisa Loeb” immediately transports you back to 1994 with its oversized sweaters, leggings and Doc Martins.  I’m going to go ahead and ignore the fact that I almost passed out when I realized it’s been 17 years since Lisa Loeb crooned, “You Say I Only Hear What I Want To…” in the background as Ethan and Winona fell in love onscreen.  Oh my goodness, 17 years??  It feels like only yesterday my girlfriends and I were sitting around sharing popcorn, singing Lisa’s song and gossiping about just how adorable Ethan Hawke was in his white tees and ripped jeans. 

Well, flash forward to 2012 and Lisa Loeb has reinvented herself.  This time she’s taken up writing and singing kids’ songs and books.  My new favorite book was a gift for my kids (but the gift giver knew me well enough to know I’d enjoy it, too … thank you, Sari!).  Lisa’s book comes with a CD of the songs from the book.  So, when you and your kids get hooked on the catchy songs (and you will get hooked), you can follow allow with the book and laugh as the silly lyrics.  The Silly Sing-Along contains oldies like the one about a cracked coconut living in a coco hut as well as Lisa-originals such the ditty about a “disappointing” pancake who was hard as a rock and inedible at breakfast but finds success multi-tasking as a satellite, pillow, and more.

I have to be honest, at first this book made me feel old remembering the Lisa Loeb from my teenage years.  But then I realized it’s a great way to connect the past with the present and it’s an even greater way to instantly bring smiles to my kids’ faces – and mine, too! 

Happy Singing.

From the Stork’s Nest~

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