Jan 2, 2012

The Thing About Aunts...

First of all, a disclaimer: I am not a mother and have never been a mother. However, I am a teacher, an aunt, and besties (is that a real word?) with a woman who has two wonderful children. Also, I see kids everywhere-in grocery stores, on airplanes, at the gym even-yes, my gym has a “child-care” room and one of the TVs is always designated to broadcast that room to the gym; I assume this is to assuage parents, so that they can exercise and still know that their child is only a glance away. (Sadly, for months I wondered what bizarre channel this was and why it was always playing at the gym before I realized what it was-clearly I’m a genius.) But anyways, I digress. Basically, I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m pretty sure that all of this combined practically makes me an expert on child-rearing…

Ok, it doesn’t really. But here is what I do know for sure after watching very close people around me have children: parenthood is hard! I mean, I love my niece more than words can even express and truly cherish every second that I spend with her. But at the end of the day (or weekend), I know that I can return to my own apartment and sit down uninterrupted to watch an episode of The Daily Show while drinking a cup of tea, and not have to worry about changing diapers or if the baby’s really asleep or if I have everything that she needs for school tomorrow or when the next check-up is or whether I remembered to get enough of those snacks that he likes or…really, the list just goes on forever.

So here’s my advice to you (because really, what parents don’t love getting unsolicited advice?): Give yourself a pat on the back for all of the hard work that you do, give yourself a break for the mistakes that you’ve made or will make, and accept all of the help that you can get! As an aunt, I would do anything for my niece-my sister need just ask. In reality, she often doesn’t-I think because she doesn’t want to impose. But I am here to tell all of you parents: please impose! Aunts and uncles (and for those of you who don’t have siblings, your friends are your siblings!) love to help-for us it is pure fun! We love spending time with and doing things for our nieces and/or nephews-this includes babysitting, buying fun gifts/cool clothes and taking them to do fun activities. It really is a win-win: you parents get a small break from the incredibly all-consuming job that is parenthood, and we get to become the cool aunt (or uncle).

So next time you find yourself tired, or overwhelmed, or over-extended, or just wanting a moment to sit down and watch The Daily Show while enjoying a nice, warm cup of tea-call that sister (or brother) of yours! Because really, after all those years she forced you to watch Growing Pains with her while growing up, it definitely taught her that families are always there for each other (and trust me-secretly everyone wants the chance to become the cool aunt!).

As a Guest in the Stork’s Nest ~
Auntie Donna

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your thoughts, Auntie Donna! Just love an aunt's perspective.
