Jan 23, 2012

The Shower

I don’t know about you but I was terrified of my baby shower.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I was thrilled to have my family and friends take time out of their busy schedules to celebrate me and the bun in my proverbial oven.  But the idea of having someone else plan the day, being the center of attention, and sitting in front of everyone as I opened their gifts gave me butterflies in my stomach.  I had done it for my wedding shower and there was no way I was going to do it again.

Then my mom got wind of my decision.  She vetoed it so quickly if I had blinked I would have missed it.  I realized my mother throwing her only daughter a baby shower to celebrate the birth of her first grandchild was something I could not take away from her. So, I signed up for the event and it was planned without my input to sheer perfection. 

It wasn’t until I was mingling among my guests that I realized the reason I was so anxious about this day – the idea of giving up control was the main reason.  I hadn’t been a part of the invites, the décor, the location, the guest list, none of it.  THAT was why I was nervous.  Which then got me to thinking, isn’t giving up control exactly what parenthood is all about?  Although many of us like to plan to the nth degree, we all know how the phrase goes, “The best laid plans often go awry…”  I could plan motherhood all I wanted but I was going to have to learn to give up some of the control.  I promised right there in my head to be aware of this at all times.  To live in the moment, to trust in others and myself.  I ended up having a wonderful time and so appreciated my mom’s veto that resulted in such a beautiful day with my friends and family. 

Feeling the way I did?  Even though you may not be in charge of your shower, you certainly can make suggestions to the hosts.  I love these unique ideas and bet you will love them, too: http://pregnant.thebump.com/pregnancy/baby-showers/articles/baby-shower-ideas-from-around-the-country.aspx

Wishing you all the best of everything during your pregnancy and beyond!

Sincerely, From the Stork’s Nest ~

Need some help dealing with control issues?  Call Stork Support.  Parenthood is challenging, Stork Support can help.  Stork Support, LLC provides home-based counseling and resources to families during pregnancy, after baby arrives, through the toddler years and beyond.  As featured on ABC Action News, Stork Support delivers counseling to your doorstep with in-home visits, online video calls or telephone sessions so you can get support without having to leave your home no matter where you live.  Visit www.storksupport.com for more information.

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