A Loving Letter to Myself
…A Letter to Moms Everywhere
Sincerely, From the Stork’s Nest~ Liz
Dear “Me,”
Motherhood is the most wonderful, yet periodically overwhelming, job in the world. It does not come with a manual or instruction booklet. In an effort to be kind to myself as I navigate through what is best for my family and me, I will consider the following:

With Love,
Do you need help? Stork Support, LLC provides home-based emotional support, short-term counseling and resources to pregnant women and parents after they deliver or adopt a baby. Stork Support assists parents and families as they adjust to having a new baby and eliminates the stress of having to leave the house with baby in tow or having to arrange childcare, while getting the support of experienced, licensed professionals. Experts in recognizing Postpartum Depression, Stork Support teaches parents about the symptoms of which to be aware while also providing assessment and short-term counseling. Stork Support, LLC was created by Liz Bland, MSW, LSW, C-ACYFSW and Rebecca Colonna, MSW, LSW. For more information about Stork Support, LLC please visit www.storksupport.com and on facebook at www.facebook.com/storksupportllc.
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