My husband was asking
me all last week what I wanted to do for Mother’s Day. Him knowing I wanted to spend the day with
the kids, he was throwing out ideas… go to brunch, go to a park for a picnic
lunch, or visit a fun museum in the city. I really wasn’t sure what I wanted to
do, but finally settled on visiting a farm for some strawberry picking, which
the kids and I do every year in May.
Turns out the weather was so beautiful on Saturday, that all the ripe
strawberries were picked and the farm closed on Mother’s Day for strawberry
ripening…so now that was out.
Sunday morning I awoke to a delicious breakfast in bed of
Cherrios and three slices toast with about three tablespoons of butter spread
on each piece, hand-written cards and drawings, and three very excited little
faces. My husband said he would go
grocery shopping and run a few other errands for the week, a chore I typically
do on Sundays, but one he offered to do for me this week because of Mother’s
Day. With a little prodding, he even
took all THREE kids with him! I honestly
cannot tell you of a time when I was in my house ALONE!
I decided to take a nice long, hot shower, and didn’t even
have to lock the door! I was able to get
out of the shower and dry and style my hair, ALONE. I was able to get dressed, ALONE. I was able to open up my laptop and check my
email and Facebook, ALONE. I made myself
something to eat and ate it, ALONE! I think
I even got a chance to pee ALONE while they were all gone.
When my family arrived home, they were full of energy and my
husband again asked what I wanted to do.
I simply told him, I already did it, and thanked him for giving me the
break I didn’t know I needed.
Moms, when someone offers, take time for yourself, even if
you don’t think you need or want it. I
have always spent every Mother’s Day (the whole day) with my kids, since if it
weren’t for them, I wouldn’t even be celebrating the day. My alone time this Mother’s Day made me
realize that as much as I LOVE my children, I need to be kind to myself and
enjoy the moments, as few and far between as they are, ALONE!
From the Stork’s Nest~
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