Nov 9, 2011

Sweet Return

I just returned from a trip to visit my brand new nephew and his older brother, mom and dad in sunny Florida!  I was beyond excited for this trip.  I was going for a long weekend, and was going to spend some quality time with my brother’s newly expanded family, which was a treat since I don’t get to see them but once or twice a year. 

I talked this trip up for about a month to anyone that would listen.  I was going by myself, no kids, for four days!  My only responsibility was to play auntie to my 21-month-old nephew and his 5-day-old brother when mom and dad were catching some needed zzzzz’s.  Man, what a vacation this would be, no driving my preschooler and kindergartener to and from school, no worries about lining up babysitters for work, no getting three kids up, dressed, fed and out of the door in an hour…it was going to be awesome!

I excitedly was up at 4:30 am, as I had to be at the airport by 5:30 am for my early morning flight.  I had one suitcase and my purse, didn’t even have to check a bag.  I didn’t have a stroller with me, and went through security by myself in a flash, really what more could I ask for.  I had plenty of time to sit at one of the airport restaurants to grab a bite to eat and cup of coffee while reading a People magazine.  Woo-hoo, time to get this mini-vacation started!

As we were taxing down the runway I, surprisingly and unexpectedly became very nervous, worried and sad.  This was the first time since I’ve had kids that I have flown anywhere without them, and would be so far away from them.  All those “what-ifs” started entering my mind, and I couldn’t get them out through the entire trip, until I got home 4 days later and hugged my children, even though it was the middle of the night and they were all sound asleep.

I am sharing this story, because as a mom of nearly 6 years, I am really shocked at my much unexpected reaction to a simple airplane ride.  I am amazed at the power of the bonds to my children, and how becoming a mother has changed me in such tremendous ways.  I know that, as a mom, I often longingly think back to my pre-kids days, and how nice it would be to just leave the house to go to WaWa and get a cup of coffee (a nearly impossible feat with three kids under 5).  As excited as I was for this trip doesn’t compare to the excitement I had for my homecoming.    

From the Stork’s Nest~

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