Oct 18, 2011

Take Notes!

If you’re anything like me, you have a zillion things scheduled for each week.  Whether it’s a work meeting or taking the kids’ to their doctor’s appointments or taking the car to get an oil change or arranging play dates or preschool snack duty, the calendar gets full months in advance. 

After my three-year-old son was born, I thought I could simply keep all these facts in my head.  I’ve never been one to keep a calendar, although I have tried in the past and only lasted a week or so before I fell behind and eventually gave up.  But after I missed the baby’s check-up with the doctor (and was totally blown away when they called to tell me to inform me as I didn’t even remember making the appointment let alone missing it…), I became a calendar junkie.  Got ‘em everywhere: a small one in my purse, a wipe-board calendar on my refrigerator, an electronic one on my computer.  You see where I’m going here.  They all have the same appointments written on them and allow me to know, no matter where I am, a play-by-play of what is happening for me and my family in any particular week.   

A few months ago keeping a calendar got me thinking about the importance of writing down my thoughts.  I’m sure you, like me, have thoughts throughout the day about all types of topics: remember to get the baby a gallon of milk, pick up the dry cleaning, the permission slip is due by Friday, remember to make a hair appointment, oh! – good idea for a blog, let me jot that down too, etc.  I was feeling overwhelmed with all the things I needed to remember in any given day.  So, I started carrying a small notebook in my bag.  And, I have to tell you, it’s changed my life!  Now, instead of keeping everything in my head, I make little notes throughout the day as the ideas come to me.  Not having to remember everything has given me a freedom I could never have imagined!  One of my favorite things to do every couple of days is to look back on my scribble and find that most of the thoughts are things I would have long forgotten if I didn’t write them down. 

As moms we become the administrative assistants for our families and often pressure ourselves to remember everything about everyone in the family.  I say let’s give ourselves a break and use whatever tricks work!  Taking notes is certainly it for me and I hope it helps you out, too.

Sincerely, From the Stork’s Nest ~

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