I was eating lunch with colleagues a few days ago and the conversation turned to manicures. A few women said they have never experienced a manicure. Others – myself included – said a manicure would be lovely but we hadn’t had one in years. As the conversation continued, all of the women present said they simply couldn’t commit an hour of their time to just “sitting having their fingers done” when they have so much to do in their busy lives. I found myself agreeing. Then lunchtime was over, we wrapped up our respective Tupperware, and parted ways.
The manicure conversation stuck with me. Just why is it when given the opportunity for alone time it can be hard to accept and truly enjoy the “me” time? After all, “me” time is essential to relax, rejuvenate and refill our inner-cups so we can continue to give to others on a daily basis. Any parent knows just what I’m talking about here. This thought stayed on my mind for the next several days.
Then came what I am now referring to as the “Tea Test.” You see, I drink several cups of tea throughout the day and like to prepare the hot water in my microwave. Often I will prepare the water in my mug, put said mug in the microwave, and their either dip the bag in the tea and forget about it OR completely forget I even started the microwave and find the cold, abandoned mug inside the microwave hours later. I used to just reheat the same mug multiple times throughout the day and laugh to myself about how I must have gotten distracted. But since the manicure conversation, I have realized that on the days I need to reheat my mug that must mean I am simply taking on too much and am being pulled in way too many different directions. I have started to use the “Tea Test” as a reminder to slow down and remember that when given a few minutes to myself I need to take it. It may not be a weekly manicure, but even a few minutes of quiet time or meditation can do a world of good.
Rebecca and I both understand the importance of “me” time – not only in our own lives, but in the lives of our Stork Support clients. This is exactly why we’ve created Stork Support’s Mom-me Sessions – they’re an hour long mommy meet up for mothers to chat with us. We lead a discussion about typical issues that face mothers – from mommy guilt and exhaustion to tension with partners and other real-life issues – all the while discussing coping strategies and letting the group take the discussion to wherever it may lead. Stork Support’s Mom-me Sessions are a wonderful way to meet other moms in the area to forge lasting supportive relationships as well as take well-deserved “me” time. Stork Support’s Mom-me Sessions are coming to Nurture in Ardmore in January – stay tuned for more information and we hope to see you there!
From the Stork’s Nest~
As featured on ABC Action News, Stork Support, LLC provides home-based counseling and resources during pregnancy, after baby arrives, during the toddler years and beyond. Visit www.storksupport.com to learn more.